Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday, October 7th 2019 - Day 1

- In Mathematics, we continued to study our multiplication chart. We identified three different patterns and described them independently. Some students then continued to play Beetle Blitz.
- In French, we practiced communicating in French with our peers about our weekend and practiced polite habits when having a discussion with a peer. We then wrote a little about our weekend.
- In Science, we reviewed static electricity and started to learn about materials that conduct(conducteur) electricity or non-conductive (Isolant).  We read two paragraphs and practiced annotating our reading.
1. My homework tonight and tomorrow night is to identify objects (machine, electrical outlets) and different materials that I notice around them.
2. Parents, please show students where the breaker (electrical panel) is in your home. How does it work? What materials are present? When do we need to access it?


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