Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Tuesday, February 25th 2020 - Day 2

- Students participated in Physical Education and centers.
- In Mathematics, students first participated in a revision of division strategies. (3 digits divided by 1 digit). Students then worked as a team to completed questions while proving their answers with at least two strategies. Students then received a sticky for their team in a game of connect four. (Ask me how I did with my team and what are my preferred strategies) (35 minutes)
- In Mathematics, students reflected upon what they knew about measuring liquids. As a class, we used materials to identify how to convert measurements of liquids (ml, l). Students then completed an exit slip question to demonstrate their understanding.
- In Science, students completed the experiment that we discussed and predicted yesterday. Students completed their observations in team and as a class, we formulated a conclusion as an example to use as a reference.

Our quote of the day: . Empathy is forgiving someone when they apologize for doing something unexpected or making a mistake.

Happy Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, and Ayyami-ha to those that celebrate! 

Tasks:Monday: Share quiz and progress of math notebook with parents (signature)
Tuesday: Share FLA rubrique
Wednesday: Library (Book exchange) and Pink Shirt Day.
Thursday: Digest This (AM)

Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.

*If you would like multiplication and division worksheets sent home for rote practice. Please email the teacher or send in a note. (alstdenis@cbe.ab.ca)

Scholastics orders by Friday, February 28th 2020 @ 4:00pm
Parents pick a FREE Book (worth $7 or less) when they spend $30 or more online! Share Coupon Code: CLIFFORD with your students' families.

Patrol deadline:
Online entry form: https://bit.ly/2u1EK67

Contest details:
  • One entry per patroller, to be completed online.
  • All entries must be received by February 29, 2020.
  • Contest participants have the chance to win $50 (by Visa gift card, courtesy of AMA.)
  • Two randomized prize draws will be held on March 3, 2020.
  1. City school patroller
  2. Rural school patroller

Yearbook picture tomorrow at 11:25. 

Next event: 

40$ per tickets 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24th 2020 - Day 1

- Students participated in centers and. Physical Education.
- In FLA, we read and listened to the tale of Kugaluk et Les geants (Conte Inuit). We discussed what lesson or message the tale was about.
- In Science, students took apart their electricity project from the unit. We organized the materials that could be reused for future projects and we applied what we have learned throughout the unit to test the materials. In addition, we began to discuss our Science experiment for tomorrow.
Problème: Les liquides se dissolvent ils tous dans l'eau? 
As a class, we identified the different variables of the experiment. (Ask me the difference between the variables)
Variable à manipuler (changer)
Variable à observer:
Variable à controler:
Hypotheses (Prediction):
- In Mathematics, we played 1 game of 16 blocks. The highest score was 1325. Then we completed a Number Talk of a division questions. Students then spend time working on reviewing their preferred strategies. Students who were done early played games we have explored throughout the year.

Our quote of the day: You are showing empathy when you show a small act of caring.

Monday: Share quiz and progress of math notebook with parents (signature)
Tuesday: Share FLA rubrique
Wednesday: Library (Book exchange) and Pink Shirt Day.
Thursday: Digest This (AM)

Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.

*If you would like multiplication and division worksheets sent home for rote practice. Please email the teacher or send in a note. (alstdenis@cbe.ab.ca)

Patrol deadline:
Online entry form: https://bit.ly/2u1EK67

Contest details:
  • One entry per patroller, to be completed online.
  • All entries must be received by February 29, 2020.
  • Contest participants have the chance to win $50 (by Visa gift card, courtesy of AMA.)
  • Two randomized prize draws will be held on March 3, 2020.
  1. City school patroller
  2. Rural school patroller

Yearbook picture tomorrow at 11:25. 

Next event: 

40$ per tickets 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday, February 21st 2020 - Day 0

- Science: Students completed their observations from our inquiry about which solids would change states in room temperature and boiling water.  Students then set up their electricity projects to share with peers. Students also had the opportunity to explore and learn from their peers from room 18 and 14.
- Mathematics: Students completed a two question quiz about what they had learned during our statistics/data lessons and activities.
- Students participated in ELA(chapter 9 of Eyewitness), reading buddies and recess/snack time.

Our quote of the day:  You are showing empathy when you give someone an honest compliment.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Thursday, February 20th 2020 . - Day 6

- In Science, students reviewed the steps of the scientific process. Our initial question was "Which candies will dissolve in water?". We then expanded our question to "Will candies dissolve at different rates or differently if the water is cold or boiling?". Students are going to complete their observations tomorrow morning.
- In Mathematics, students reviewed the process of long division. They completed 6 practice questions. Students then applied their understanding of 3 dimensional shapes to draw their names.

Our quote of the day: When you show empathy, you can change the world for the better.

This week:
- Friday morning at 8:45, we will be sharing our electricity projects with other classes. Students will finalize their self-assessment. On Monday, we will be taking the projects apart in order to save materials for other Science projects.
- Friday, students have a short 2 questions quiz about data. Can you identify which questions require primary and secondary data? Can you analyze a double bar graph?
- Homework:Reading in French for 20 minutes daily (No written submissions)

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tuesday, February 18th 2020- Day 4

- Students participated in Physical Education and independent reading.
- In Mathematics, we completed an open-ended questions about division. (See picture). We reviewed the steps of long division and students practiced with 6 questions. Students then continued to work on their Valentine day math challenge and our worm hole challenge.
- During FLA, students spent time sharing about their long weekend with their peers and their teachers. Students then returned to their reflections from last week about the film. Students spent time adding details to their reflections prior to submitting a rough draft. Students will be uploading their best reflection to Iris tomorrow.
- During ELA, we read chapter 7 of Eyewitness. Students reflected upon which events were historically accurate from the book thus far.
- In Science, we read about the different states of matter. Ask me what the three different states are! We are beginning to identify which states have a defined mass and volume. Does it take the shape of the object it is in? Then we began to describe the candy(solids) we will be using during our Science experiments! Which solids (candy) will dissolve in water?

Our quote of the day:

Empathy is knowing that if you see someone without a smile, you can give them one of yours.

This week:
- Friday morning at 8:45, we will be sharing our electricity projects with other classes. Students will finalize their self-assessment. On Monday, we will be taking the projects apart in order to save materials for other Science projects.
- Friday, students have a short 2 questions quiz about data. Can you identify which questions require primary and secondary data? Can you analyze a double bar graph?
- Homework:Reading in French for 20 minutes daily (No written submissions)

Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10th 2020 to Wednesday, February 12th 2020

Carnaval activities throughout the week:
Monday, February 10th: 
- Plaid Day 
- Skating 
- Course en canot

Tuesday, February 11th: 
- Tuque Day
- Skating
- Hockey  
- Music (Spoons) 

Wednesday, February 12th:
- French Canadian clothing 
- Ski et Course 
- Déflié 
- Valentine's Day 

Learning intentions over the next three das:
- Creating a poster for the Defile. 

- We created a good copy of the data we collected into a double bar graph. We wrote a minimum of 3 statements about our graphs. 
- We completed a number talk about division strategies. 
- We completed a task about a heart shaped with quadrilaterals. Students identified different shapes using patterns and students identified the perimeter of the shape. 

- We read Chapters 6 and 7 of our novel Eyewitness and answered comprehension questions. Students are focusing on using specific vocabulary from the novel in their written responses. 

- We learned about activities that children participate in during the winter time in Quebec. We watched the movie "La Guerre des Tuques" over the 3 days and completed listening tasks. The tasks included comprehension questions, association questions and opinion questions. 

- We described different candies(solids). How can we describe milk chocolate? cinnamon hearts? jube-jubes? How are they similar? How are they different?

Our discussion quote of the day:

February 10 –  Empathy is paying attention to the needs of others.
February 11 – Empathy is getting to know someone better instead of judging them.
February 12 – Empathy is knowing that there is two sides to every issue.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday, February 7th 2020 - Day 0

- Students participated in centers.
- Students collaborated with their reading buddies and fellow grade 5 classes.
- Students participated in Choice and Curiosity.
- Students attended the kick-off Carnaval!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Wednesday, February 5th 2020 - Day 6

- Students participated in Physical Education and centers.
- In Mathematics, students began the day by reviewing their secondary data questions. We played 16 blocks using numbers 6 to 13 and we introduced the variable of a Joker. Students then reviewed geometry vocabulary. Then we learned strategies on how to draw 3 dimensional shapes.
- In FLA, students identified the elements at the beginning of a short story. (Situation Initiale)
- In Social Studies, students continued to research.
- In Science, we introduced our next subject! We identified the different states of matters and categorized objects in different groups.

We meet as a Grade 5 group and students shared their chants.
Notre hourra pour les eleves de la 5e:

Hourra! Hourra! C'est le février! 

Carnaval est proche viens jouer!

Le bonhomme Carnaval ne dit pas HO, HO, HO!

Mais il aime beaucoup le chocolat chaud, chaud, chaud!

Cabane à sucre c'est son favourite!

Ca c'est pourquoi il a un grand souris. 

Les activités comme le tobogan sont vraiment amusant. 

Ca neige beaucoup! 

On est trés exciter! 

Bonhomme est ici pour patiner.

On Wednesday, February 12, students will be provided with hot chocolate and croissants as part of our celebration of French Canadian food and culture.  If you DO NOT want your child to eat this snack, please send me an email to let me know prior to Tuesday, Feb 11 and send a special snack for your child to eat on Feb. 12.  (Thank you to VASPFS for funding this treat for the school!)

Homework: January 13th 2020 to February 6th 2020
Students have a book report sheet to fill out based on their reading.
Student choose their books last week from the library.
Students are to hand in their work by the 6th and be prepared to share their work.

Once students have completed their first book, have shared it with their teacher and received feedback. Students will then write a good copy. They will be encouraged to complete a second.

1 parent volunteers are required for Skating during Carnaval. 

- Monday, February 10th from 8:00 to 9:00
- Tuesday, February 11th from 10:40 to 11:20 

Upcoming dates: Carnaval
Friday, February 7th: 
- Kick off to Carnaval Pep Rally (preforming our grade 5 cheer)
- Red, White and blue day 
- Choice and Curiosity 

Monday, February 10th: 
- Plaid Day 
- Skating 
- Course en canot

Tuesday, February 11th: 
- Tuque Day
- Skating
- Hockey 

Wednesday, February 12th:
- French Canadian clothing 
- Ski et Course 
- Déflié 
- Valentine's Day 

Our quote of the day:  Empathy is asking someone how there are feeling if you think there is something wrong.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Tuesday, February 4th 2020 - Day 5

- Students participated in Physical Education, music and centers.
- In Mathematics, students learned about division that requires a procedure such as long division. We practiced dividing the larger questions using manipulatives (base ten blocks) and then we compared them to the procedure. Students reflected upon which would be more efficient. (If we didn't have a calculator 😆😅...nice try!)
- Students continued to practice conjugating their verbs in their research notes to imparfait after playing a game to review the common verbs we will use most often during this project. Students identified the different endings of verbs conjugated singular and plural pronouns. Students then continued their research. AA noticed a pattern! He stated that the verb we should use in our answers was already written properly in the questions.
- Students meet with their peers to develop and practice a cheer. We will be sharing our cheers tomorrow and deciding on which we would like to use during our Carnaval kick-off.
- In ELA, students read the 3rd chapter of our new novel study Eyewitness. Eyewitness is a historical fiction about the fur trade and the HBC in what is now British Colombia. Students are learning about the way of life of  the First Nations and Métis people with the fur traders of the HBC. Tomorrow, students will be studying archives from the Royal Museum of British Colombia and the real events that transpired. We will be examining records about the events that transpired.

Homework: January 13th 2020 to February 6th 2020
Students have a book report sheet to fill out based on their reading.
Student choose their books last week from the library.
Students are to hand in their work by the 6th and be prepared to share their work.

Once students have completed their first book, have shared it with their teacher and received feedback. Students will then write a good copy. They will be encouraged to complete a second.

2 parents volunteers are required for Skating during Carnaval. 

- Monday, February 10th from 8:00 to 9:00
- Tuesday, February 11th from 10:40 to 11:20 

Quote of the day: Empathy means listening to someone rather than trying to talk to them.
 - Ensuring your friends are being heard.
- It means that you listen instead of trying to share your own ideas.

Upcoming dates: Carnaval
Friday, February 7th: 
- Kick off to Carnaval Pep Rally (preforming our grade 5 cheer)
- Red, White and blue day 
- Choice and Curiosity 

Monday, February 10th: 
- Plaid Day 
- Skating 
- Course en canot

Tuesday, February 11th: 
- Tuque Day
- Skating
- Hockey 

Wednesday, February 12th:
- French Canadian clothing 
- Ski et Course 
- Déflié 
- Valentine's Day 

Monday, February 3, 2020

February 3rd 2020 - Day 4 

- Students participated in centers and Physical Education. 
- In Science, students self-assessed their Electricity Presentation. They completed their self-reflection and completed the rubric. Students will be sharing their reflection on their Iris account. 
- In Mathematics, students completed a number talk about division. Students completed 12 questions to practice finding the quotient. Students used decomposition, known facts, repeated addition, repeated subtraction and 100 chart to find the quotient. Students who completed the 12 questions, then worked on their wormhole.

- In FLA, students learned how to identify the "situation initiale" of a short story. (Qui? Quoi? Où? Quand?) 
- As a grade 5 group, we meet to discuss different vocabulary that represent our Carnaval celebrations. Students worked in smaller groups to create a cheer/chant. Students will be sharing their chant with the rest of the school on Friday! 

Homework: January 13th 2020 to February 6th 2020
Students have a book report sheet to fill out based on their reading.
Student choose their books last week from the library.
Students are to hand in their work by the 6th and be prepared to share their work.

Once students have completed their first book, have shared it with their teacher and received feedback. Students will then write a good copy. They will be encouraged to complete a second.

2 parents volunteers are required for Skating during Carnaval. 
- Monday, February 10th from 8:00 to 9:00
- Tuesday, February 11th from 10:40 to 11:20 

Quote:  "Empathy is trying to understand what another person is feeling"
- "When students are frustrated because others' are making too much noise in hallway and they can't learn" -
- "Comforting and supporting a peer that is frustrated" - AM
- " When someone is hurt on the soccer field and we show empathy by caring for them" - TW
- "When someone hurt someone elses' feelings and you comfort them" - JF
- "When someone is feeling left out of a group and you invite them to play with you" - Eu.Ba.
- "When someone needs help and you take the time to assist them" - DS