Thursday, March 12, 2020

Friday, March 13th 2020- Day 0

- Students worked on their Venn diagrams in Social Studies to compare two groups of First Nations prior to European explorers arriving to North America.
- Students interacted with their reading buddies to complete coding tasks.
- In Science, students read and learned about the different changes of matter and watched a video from Science ou Magie.
- In ELA, we finished our novel study of Eyewitness.
- In Mathematics, students completed a number talk using division. In multiplication, we learned the strategy double and halving. In division, we are practicing repeated halving. Students completed 9 practice questions. See example below.

Practice questions:

Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.
Math quiz on Monday- Division (3 digit by 1 digit, with and without remainders)- 2 division word problems - 1 reflection questions x

Quote: I am in charge of how smart I am because I can grow my brain like a muscle by learning hard things.

If your child is interested in practicing their dance, I have recorded Ajay doing each dance (except for M. Marshall's class, sorry!). Click on the link below to see the videos.

Dance Moves 2020

Please refer to communications from the school regarding the cancellation of the Monday evening performance and how we are working to share the students' hard work at home.
Thursday, March 12th 2020 - Day 6

- In Science, students continued their observation of the sugar crystals and continued to learn about crystals. Students completed a reading about the different changes of states of a liquid, solid and gas.

- In Mathematics, students completed an open-ended questions to review how to estimate and to compare different strategies. Students then worked with a peer to complete two word problems. We focused on explaining our reasoning and discussed what to do with remainders in the context of a word problem.
- Students read chapters 22 and 23 of Eyewitness.
- Students participated in Physical Education, Social Studies and silent reading.

Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.
Math quiz on Monday- Division (3 digit by 1 digit, with and without remainders)- 2 division word problems - 1 reflection questions x

Quote: My brain is like a muscle. Work makes it stronger.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday, March 11th 2020 - Day 5

- In Mathematics, students participated in a number talk and completed practice questions of division questions with remainders.
- Students participated in Physical Education, Music and silent reading (one-on-one assessments).
- In FLA, students shared their responses of the meaning of a song they had chosen in French. Students collaborated and provided feedback to one another based on their areas of strengths. Each student identified at least one area they could improve upon. Students then worked independently to work on the goal they had identified.
Examples of goals:
Ce que je vais améliorer :
-       Je vais améliorer l’orthographe.
-       Je vais améliorer le vocabulaire. Mes mots ne sont pas très spécifiques.
-       Je vais améliorer mon raisonnement.
-       Je vais exprimer mon opinion de la chanson.
-       Je vais améliorer mes exemples et les liens personnels.
-       Je vais inclure une introduction et une conclusion.
-       Je vais identifier une parole spécifique de la chanson et je l’expliquerai.

- In ELA, students read chapters 19 and 20. They responded to the following questions:

    • Re-tell the events from this chapter from the perspective (point of view)  of James Douglas, Cadunda,Tzoelhnolle, Gaston, Kwah or Amelia. 
    • What actions did they take?
    • What motivated them to take those actions? (why did they do what they did)

Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.
Math quiz on Monday- Division (3 digit by 1 digit, with and without remainders)- 2 division word problems - 1 reflection questions x

Quote: A growth mindset means asking questions when I don’t understand.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tuesday, March 10th 2020- Day 4

- Students participated in Physical Education and silent readings (one-on-one assessments).
- In Science, students continued to add details to their predictions, completed a second observation and learned more about grow crystals. *Students will not be permitted to eat any of the sugar crystals due to current events. Students will be given the steps to follow, if they wish to complete the experiment at home.
- Students attended a presentation of The Bremen Town Musicians by the Calgary Opera. The lessons of the presentation include respecting your elders, teamwork, forgiveness is the way and that change can be hard, but it can also results in new opportunities.
- In ELA, students read the next two chapters of Eyewitness. Students continued to work on identify how secondary character may be feeling in a certain situations and identify what motivates them to take certain action.

Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.
Math quiz on Monday- Division (3 digit by 1 digit, with and without remainders)- 2 division word problems - 1 reflection questions x

Quote of the day: Things are always difficult before they are easy.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Monday, March 9th 2020 - Day 3
- Students participated in oral discussion and writing about their weekend experiences in the past tense. (*Students who are not done are completing their written work as homework tonight.)- Students participated in Physical Education, Music and visited the library for our book exchange.
- In Science, students read a simple procedure to make crystals using sugar. Students identified the problem: Do crystals grow better using salt of sugar? Students established an hypothesis and identified the variables. Students will be completing their observation for the sugar crystals all week. (If your child is not permitted to eat the sugar crystals at the end of the week, please email Mme Amanda)
- In Social Studies, we continued to learn about European explorers in Canada and continued to create their Venn diagram that compared two First Nations societies. Our focus is to write in the past tense using Imparfait.
- In ELA, students read chapter 16 and 17 and answered questions.
Quote of the day:Instead of thinking, “I’m not going to try because I might fail”, think “If I fail, I can try again and again until I get it.”
Students are reminded: - No one is allowed to stay in a lunch or recess unsupervised. - Sitting at a place other than their own desk is a privilege and not a right. Students who are not at their desk, are expected to be responsible and focused on their learning goal or tasks. 
Math quiz on Monday- Division (3 digit by 1 digit, with and without remainders)- 2 division word problems - 1 reflection questions x

Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday, March 6th 2020 - Day 0

- In Mathematics, students completed a number talk with division questions. Students had to communicate their preferred strategy.
- In FLA, students typed up the good copy of their reflection about a song studied in class during our Guerre des Tuques lesson.
- Students went outside for recess, had a snack, worked with their reading buddies and completed independent work time.

Quote: Instead of thinking, “This is good enough”, think “Is this my best work? Can I improve it?”

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thursday, March 5th 2020- Day 2

- Students worked on their Social Studies research, participated in Physical education and had silent reading time.
- In Science, we examined how air molecules expand in warm temperature and shrink(contact) when in a cooler temperature. *Ask me about the experiment and what I learned!
- In ELA, we read chapter 15.
- In art, we continued to explore Canadian art. This time we focused on the Northern Lights.
*Half of the class visited FEO.

Quote: Instead of thinking, “This is too easy”, think “How can I make this more challenging?”

*Shoe boxes (We will need additional shoe boxes for our next math project in May)