Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday, January 28th 2020 - Day 1

-  Students participated in a Number Talk about division facts. Students then completed a few questions and reflected upon their most used strategy. Students were then introduced to WORMHOLE. Wormhole is a mental mathematics puzzle.
- In Mathematics, students analyzed and declared statements of a double band graphs that compared how many students from grade 1 to 4 prefer chocolate or vanilla ice-cream. Students then continued their graphs from yesterday or wrote questions they can ask students at VAS from grade 2 to 5. Questions identified included:
 - Which do you prefer Sports Day or Carnaval? (AN)
- Do you prefer la cabane a sucre or hot chocolate and croissants? (BB)
- Will you be purchasing a yearbook this year?
- Which is your favourite subject (math or science)?  (LR)
- Students participated in Physical Education, centers and ELA.

Homework: January 13th 2020 to February 6th 2020
Students have a book report sheet to fill out based on their reading.
Student choose their books last week from the library.
Students are to hand in their work by the 6th and be prepared to share their work.

Once students have completed their first book, have shared it with their teacher and received feedback. Students will then write a good copy. They will be encouraged to complete a second.

2 parents volunteers are required for Skating during Carnaval. 
- Monday, February 10th from 8:00 to 9:00
- Tuesday, February 11th from 10:40 to 11:20 

Classroom meeting: 
As a class, we sat down to discuss how can we improve the quantity and quality of French we are speaking in our classroom. Many students are choosing to speak in English all day and are constantly disrupting the learning and progress of others.

- Using sticks to gain and lose popsicle sticks. When you arrive to a certain number you get a prize.
- Using 10 sticks to start with on Monday. Students who speak in English lose a stick each time. The person with the most sticks at the end win a prize. Or if everyone has 10 sticks for a whole week, we get a special activity. 
- Using a point system, you track the amount of English spoken by a person on a large piece of paper.
- Using a money/point system.
- Using a piece of paper, students track the amount of points per students.
- Continue using red, yellow and green system.

As a class we established the following plan:
- Popsicle stick system. Lose a stick when speaking in English. After one full week of 90% success rate.

As a class we discussed the following consequences for disrupting learning:
1. 2 sticks of more, teacher and student conference
2. Visit a younger grade as examplars
3. Mme calls home and discuss with parents how to best support student in following plan
4. Mme Courtney will conference and will call home
5. Office and parent conference

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