Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Wednesday, March 11th 2020 - Day 5

- In Mathematics, students participated in a number talk and completed practice questions of division questions with remainders.
- Students participated in Physical Education, Music and silent reading (one-on-one assessments).
- In FLA, students shared their responses of the meaning of a song they had chosen in French. Students collaborated and provided feedback to one another based on their areas of strengths. Each student identified at least one area they could improve upon. Students then worked independently to work on the goal they had identified.
Examples of goals:
Ce que je vais améliorer :
-       Je vais améliorer l’orthographe.
-       Je vais améliorer le vocabulaire. Mes mots ne sont pas très spécifiques.
-       Je vais améliorer mon raisonnement.
-       Je vais exprimer mon opinion de la chanson.
-       Je vais améliorer mes exemples et les liens personnels.
-       Je vais inclure une introduction et une conclusion.
-       Je vais identifier une parole spécifique de la chanson et je l’expliquerai.

- In ELA, students read chapters 19 and 20. They responded to the following questions:

    • Re-tell the events from this chapter from the perspective (point of view)  of James Douglas, Cadunda,Tzoelhnolle, Gaston, Kwah or Amelia. 
    • What actions did they take?
    • What motivated them to take those actions? (why did they do what they did)

Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.
Math quiz on Monday- Division (3 digit by 1 digit, with and without remainders)- 2 division word problems - 1 reflection questions x

Quote: A growth mindset means asking questions when I don’t understand.

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