Tuesday, March 3rd 2020 - Day 6
- In Mathematics, students completed a number talk along with practice questions to review our strategies to divide 3 digits by 1 digits. Students practiced estimating and solving division questions. In addition, we began to discuss volume. We identified how volume can be represented with both solids and liquids. In Mathematics, students completed the 4 cube challenge.
- In Science, we reviewed the differences between liquids that are viscous and liquids that are dense. (viscosity/density).
- Students participated in silent reading (15-20 minutes) during one-on-one conferencing, played outside for Physical Education and had Elder Randy visit to discuss
- In ELA, students read chapter 12 as a class. Prior to reading, we wrote and reflected upon what we have learned about the way of life in the 1820's during the fur trade in British Colombia? (What have I learned about the fur trade? Who is participating in the fur trade at the fort? What problems do they encounter at the fort? food, resources, living conditions, relationships.)
Our quote of the day: I can change my mindset with my words. Instead of saying, “I’m not good at this”, I can say, “I’m not good at this YET, but I can learn and get good.”
Homework: (20 minutes)
1. In Social Studies, students are studying Canadian history. What is a Canadian identity? Students are asked to bring to class for Thursday (In French and written)
a) Which countries did their ancestors immigrate from prior to moving to Canda? Country? Continent?
b) If possible, around when? (Year? Century?)
2. Reading in French.
This week:
Tuesday: Elder Randy visit (am)
Wednesday: Glee Club will begin at lunch
Thursday: - FEO students from 10:00 to 12:00
- Healthy Hungry Lunch
*Shoe boxes (We will need additional shoe boxes for our next math project in May)
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