Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Wednesday, November 6th 2019 - Day 6 

- In Mathematics, students completed an open-ended questions about multiplication.Then students worked with a peer and then independently to represent multiplication problem using base ten blocks. 
- In Science, students used iron fillings, magnets and electromagnetic circuits to examine and comparer the magnetic field and the strengths of different circuits. Students created schematic diagrams to represent their observations.
- Students created cinquain poems about peace in our community, province, country and the world. Students then wrote their poems inside of an origami dove. 
- Students also participated in reading centers and Social Studies.

For our Friday November 8th 10:30am Remembrance Day Assembly students who are brownies, sparks, scouts or guides are welcome to wear their uniform and participate in the procession into the gym. 

1. Reading in French for 20 minutes. Students have been working on identifying the problem of story, describing the main character and identifying the lesson or message of the story. 

Due Friday: Students must bring in their answers to the following three questions. Students are to bring the book they are reading with them. 
a. Identify problem and explain why it is the problem. 
b. Describe the main character (physically, personality)
c. Identify the lesson/message of the story and describe it. 

2. Shoeboxes are required for our upcoming Science project. Please begin sending them in prior to Nov. 25th 2019.

3. We are going to the library this Friday. Bring in your books to be exchanged. 

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