Thursday, November 14, 2019

Thursday, November 14th 2019 - Day 4 

- In Mathematics, students verified their work from yesterday. Then they played a game. They finished the lesson by learning about the procedure of solving a two digit by two digit multiplication question. 
- Students participated in Physical Education and reading centers. 
- In ELA, students compared their notes about the first chapter with a peer. (Examples of setting descriptions. (Time, Sense, Location).As a class, we answered:  How did Jean DuPrau sneak in powerful examples of setting that help to build atmosphere, suspense, and a feeling of "being there"? 
- In Science, students experimented with which objects are conductive and which a non-conductive. Students will be writing their conclusions tomorrow. 

Quote of the day "Remember that gossiping or spreading rumours is unkind."

Homework: Options  (20 minutes)
1. Playing the game "Closes to 100" using a six sided dice. 
2. Reading in French. Continue to focus on describing and answering the following questions. No formal writing due for Friday. 
a. Identify problem and explain why it is the problem. 
b. Describe the main character (physically, personality)
c. Identify the lesson/message of the story and describe it. 

3. Shoeboxes are required for our upcoming Science project. Please begin sending them in prior to Nov. 25th 2019.

Times for the November Parent/Teacher Conferences
Hello families,

Just a reminder that November's Parent/Teacher Conferences for Kindergarten to Grade 5 are next THURSDAY, November 21 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm - 7:30 pm.  There is no school for students on Thursday.

On Wednesday, November 20, our Kindergarten students have Student/Involved Conferences so their is no classes for Kindergarten on Wednesday, November 20.  Grades 1-5 have regular school on Wednesday.

Friday is a Professional Learning Day for teachers so there is no school for students on this day.

The conference booking system opens tomorrow at 4:00 for families.

Please see the VAS website for a reminder of other non-instruction days throughout the school year.  This information can be found at: under 'Calendar'.

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