Sunday, November 3, 2019

Monday, November 4th 2019 - Day 4

- In Mathematics, students examined and identified patterns in the 9 times table column and row. Students then reviewed how to use their hands to identify the product of a factor multiplied by 9. Students then applied their conceptual and procedural understanding to solve an open-ended multiplication. 

 - In Science, students reviewed how to build a short circuit. As a class we reviewed our answers and made connections to ideas and concepts we already knew about short circuits. Questions: What happens? Why does the light turn off? Where is the electrons going? Why does it warm up? Why is it dangerous to have appliances with stripped wires? Students then improved the quality of their answers and included specific examples. 

-  In ELA, students identified two topics they would like to write a cinquains poem. Students then use their understanding of parts of speech to create two poems.

Quote of the day:
"When someone is proud of what they have done and says something like, “Look guys, I did it!”, smile and answer back with a compliment."

1. Reading in French for 20 minutes. Students have been working on identifying the problem of story, describing the main character and identifying the lesson or message of the story. 

Due Friday: Students must bring in their answers to the following three questions. Students are to bring the book they are reading with them. 
a. Identify problem and explain why it is the problem. 
b. Describe the main character (physically, personality)
c. Identify the lesson/message of the story and describe it. 

2. Shoeboxes are required for our upcoming Science project. Please begin sending them in prior to Nov. 25th 2019. 

3. Students exit slips for Mathematics are being sent home to review and be signed by a parent/guardian. In addition, last weeks French self-assessment has been attached.  Due back on Tuesday. 

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