Friday, March 13th 2020- Day 0
- Students worked on their Venn diagrams in Social Studies to compare two groups of First Nations prior to European explorers arriving to North America.
- Students interacted with their reading buddies to complete coding tasks.
- In Science, students read and learned about the different changes of matter and watched a video from Science ou Magie.
- In ELA, we finished our novel study of Eyewitness.
- In Mathematics, students completed a number talk using division. In multiplication, we learned the strategy double and halving. In division, we are practicing repeated halving. Students completed 9 practice questions. See example below.
Practice questions:
Homework: 20 minutes of reading in French. If students do not have a book please email their teacher or send in a note.
Math quiz on Monday- Division (3 digit by 1 digit, with and without remainders)- 2 division word problems - 1 reflection questions x
Quote: I am in charge of how smart I am because I can grow my brain like a muscle by learning hard things.
If your child is interested in practicing their dance, I have recorded Ajay doing each dance (except for M. Marshall's class, sorry!). Click on the link below to see the videos.
Dance Moves 2020
Please refer to communications from the school regarding the cancellation of the Monday evening performance and how we are working to share the students' hard work at home.