Monday, February 10, 2020

Monday, February 10th 2020 to Wednesday, February 12th 2020

Carnaval activities throughout the week:
Monday, February 10th: 
- Plaid Day 
- Skating 
- Course en canot

Tuesday, February 11th: 
- Tuque Day
- Skating
- Hockey  
- Music (Spoons) 

Wednesday, February 12th:
- French Canadian clothing 
- Ski et Course 
- Déflié 
- Valentine's Day 

Learning intentions over the next three das:
- Creating a poster for the Defile. 

- We created a good copy of the data we collected into a double bar graph. We wrote a minimum of 3 statements about our graphs. 
- We completed a number talk about division strategies. 
- We completed a task about a heart shaped with quadrilaterals. Students identified different shapes using patterns and students identified the perimeter of the shape. 

- We read Chapters 6 and 7 of our novel Eyewitness and answered comprehension questions. Students are focusing on using specific vocabulary from the novel in their written responses. 

- We learned about activities that children participate in during the winter time in Quebec. We watched the movie "La Guerre des Tuques" over the 3 days and completed listening tasks. The tasks included comprehension questions, association questions and opinion questions. 

- We described different candies(solids). How can we describe milk chocolate? cinnamon hearts? jube-jubes? How are they similar? How are they different?

Our discussion quote of the day:

February 10 –  Empathy is paying attention to the needs of others.
February 11 – Empathy is getting to know someone better instead of judging them.
February 12 – Empathy is knowing that there is two sides to every issue.

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